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English for Presentations at International Conferences

Adrian Wallwork , local 
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English for Presentations at International ConferencesThis book is designed to help non-native English speakers to prepare and deliver effective presentations at international conferences. It will be the first book ever written on presentations specifically from the perspective of non-native English speakers. It will be written in an English that readers will be able to understand easily. This is not 'simple' English as a native speaker would interpret it, but a particular way of writing with minimal redundancy in which key points are highlighted clearly. The book will cover not only the typical difficulties of all presenters (structure, gaining audience attention, graphics on slides etc), but will also focus above all on those issues that cause specific problems for the non-native.
Good presentation skills are key to a successful career in academia. English for Presentations at International Conferences is an essential title, as this is the first guide to giving presentations at international conferences ever written specifically for researchers and professors whose first language is not English. With easy-to-follow rules and tips, and with examples taken from real presentations, the book covers:
  • English usage
  • gaining and maintaining audience attention
  • handing questions and answers from the audience • overcoming nerves
  • preparing and practicing
  • pronunciation and intonation
  • slide preparation
  • useful phrases for each stage of the presentation
Von Klappentext im Buch English for Presentations at International Conferences (2010)

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English for Presentations at International Conferences: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 707 kByte)

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
English for Presentations at International Conferences D - - 0 1441965904 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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