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Pedagogy and Learning with ICT

Researching the Art of Innovation
Bridget Somekh ,
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Pedagogy and Learning with ICTBridget Somekh draws on her experience of researching the introduction of ICT into education to look at ICT development over the last twenty years. The book provides a fascinating, in-depth analysis of the nature of learning, ICT pedagogies and the processes of change for teachers, schools and education systems. It covers the key issues relating to the innovation of ICT that have arisen over this period, including:
  • the process of change
  • educational vision for ICT
  • teacher motivation and engagement
  • the phenomenon of ‘fit’ to existing practices
  • systemic constraints
  • policy and evaluation of its implementation
  • students’ motivation and engagement
  • the penetration of ICT into the home
  • online learning and the ‘disembodied’ teacher.
Von Klappentext im Buch Pedagogy and Learning with ICT (2007)

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Evaluationevaluation, ICTICT, Innovationinnovation, LehrerInteacher, Motivationmotivation, Schuleschool

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Bildung, Digitalisierung, Kinder, Lernen, Schweiz, Unterricht



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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Pedagogy and Learning D - - 0 0415409829 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de
Pedagogy and Learning with ICT e - - 0 0415409837 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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