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Going Beyond Google Again

Strategies for Using and Teaching the Invisible Web
Jane Devine, Francine Egger-Sider , local 
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Going Beyond Google AgainThe Invisible Web, also known as the Deep Web, is a huge repository of underutilized resources that can be richly rewarding to searchers who make the effort to find them. Since Jane Devine and Francine Egger-Sider explored the educational potentials of this realm in Going Beyond Google: The Invisible Web in Learning and Teaching, the information world has grown even more complex, with more participants, more content, more formats, and more means of access. Demonstrating why teaching the Invisible Web should be a requirement for information literacy education in the 21st century, here the authors expand on the teaching foundation provided in the first book and persuasively argue that the Invisible Web is still relevant not only to student research but also to everyday life. Intended for anyone who conducts research on the web, including students, teachers, information professionals, and general users, their book
  • Defines the characteristics of the Invisible Web, both technologically and cognitively
  • Provides a literature review of students information-seeking habits, concentrating on recent research
  • Surveys the theory and practice of teaching the Invisible Web Shows ways to transform students into better researchers
  • Highlights teaching resources such as graphics, videos, and tutorials
  • Offers an assortment of tools, both public and proprietary, for trawling the Invisible Web
Looks at the future of the Invisible Web, with thoughts on how changes in search technology will affect users, particularly students learning to conduct research
Von Klappentext im Buch Going Beyond Google Again (2013)

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ContentContent , darknet , Google , Informationskompetenzinformation literacy , Informationsweltinformation world , microbloggingmicroblogging , Suchmaschinesearch engine

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Going Beyond Google Again D - - 0 1555708986 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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