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Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments

Alejandro Paniagua, David Istance , local web 
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Teachers as Designers of Learning EnvironmentsPedagogy is at the heart of teaching and learning. Preparing young people to become lifelong learners with a deep knowledge of subject matter and a broad set of social skills requires understanding how pedagogy influences learning. Doing so shifts the perception of teachers from technicians who strive to attain the education goals set by the curriculum to experts in the art and science of teaching. Seen through this lens, innovation in teaching becomes a problem-solving process rooted in teachers’ professionalism, a normal response to addressing the daily changes of constantly changing classrooms.
Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments: The Importance of Innovative Pedagogies sets the stage for educators and policy-makers to innovate teaching by looking at what is currently taking place in schools as potential seeds for change. At the heart of these approaches is a sensitivity to the natural inclinations of learners towards play, creativity, collaboration and inquiry. Examples from 27 national and international networks of schools are used to illustrate how teachers use these innovative practices.
Von Klappentext im Buch Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments (2018)

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Bildungeducation (Bildung) , computational thinkingcomputational thinking , Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , design thinking , GamificationGamification , gritgrit , Innovationinnovation , Kreativitätcreativity , kulturelles Kapital , LehrerInteacher , Lernenlearning , Multimediamultimedia , MultitaskingMultitasking , Schuleschool , WebQuest , Zone of Proximal Development

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Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments D - - 0 9789264085374 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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