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Computer-supported collaborative learning: The Basics

Erstpublikation in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 21, pp. 111-130
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Pierre DillenbourgFrank FischerThis article provides a summary of research and developments in the field of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). We argue that the contribution of CSCL to vocational training comprises a set of ideas that actually prove relevant beyond CSCL to encompass the whole field of training technologies. Collaborative learning, with or without computers, is not a recipe that automatically leads to expected learning outcomes. Rather, CSCL researchers have explored the types of interaction which are necessary in a team in order to produce positive learning outcomes: argumentation, explanation, conflict resolution etc. In a next step, environments have been designed which scaffold these interactions. This contribution reports on the way in which technologies can be used in designing interactions: by placing student in a situation in which they need to engage in effortful interactions in order to build a shared understanding; by selecting a task representation that will shape their language; by directly prompting specific types of utterances using semi-structured interfaces; by structuring collaboration with scripts; by capturing interactions and either simply mirroring them to the group members or conducting deeper analyses. Collaborative activities are now integrated in pedagogical scenarios that include individual and class-wide activities occurring in a variety of settings (classroom, workplace, fieldtrip etc.) and in a variety of modes (face-to-face/remote; synchronous or non-synchronous etc.)
Von Pierre Dillenbourg, Frank Fischer im Text Computer-supported collaborative learning: The Basics (2007)

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CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Lernenlearning


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