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Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons

a comparative study
D. Furió, M.-C. Juan, I. Seguí, R. Vivó
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Volume 31, Issue 3, pages 189 - 201, June 2015
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Different methods can be used for learning, and they can be compared in several aspects, especially those related to learning outcomes. In this paper, we present a study in order to compare the learning effectiveness and satisfaction of children using an iPhone game for learning the water cycle vs. the traditional classroom lesson. The iPhone game includes multiple interaction forms and combined augmented reality (AR) mini-games with non-AR mini-games. The traditional classroom lesson had the same learning content as the iPhone game. Thirty-eight children participated in the study. The analyses showed that the children made significant learning gains about the water cycle, regardless of the method used. Even though the results showed that the iPhone method achieved higher knowledge results than the traditional classroom lesson, no statistically significant differences were found between the iPhone and the classroom lesson. When analysing the motivational outcomes, the results showed that the children found the iPhone game to be more satisfying than the classroom lessons. Since the iPhone game achieved similar learning results and a higher motivational effect than the classroom lesson, this suggests that games of this kind could be used as a tool in primary schools to reinforce students' lessons.
Von D. Furió, M.-C. Juan, I. Seguí, R. Vivó im Text Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons

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augmented realityaugmented reality , game-based learninggame-based learning , iPhone , Kinderchildren , Lernenlearning , mobile learningmobile learning , Mobiltelefonmobile phone , Motivationmotivation , Schuleschool
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