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Technology Teacher Education

John Ritz
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 625 bis 627), 2017 local web 
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Handbook of Technology EducationThis section of the Handbook of Technology Education focuses on Technology Teacher Education. Technology teachers are educated professionals who know the content and technical practices found within the vast discipline of technology. In addition to becoming familiar with the knowledge-base for understanding technological systems, teachers also need to be taught the nature of technology, the impacts of technology on individuals, society, and the environment, and plan for the integration of science, mathematics, social sciences, and humanities into technology education instruction. These abilities assist technology teachers in teaching and discussing with students the many ramifications of technology, including its uses and impacts. Technology teachers also need to be educated on methods of teaching and develop their abilities to teach technology knowledge and its related skills to all learners. Without technology teachers, people would have difficulty understanding how technological systems operate, thus not aiding societies to develop to more advanced levels (e.g., economically, socially, and politically). As new technologies emerge, it is the role of teachers and curriculum specialists to propose how to best to teach this knowledge to learners. Not only do technology teachers need to understand the vast systems of technology, they also need to understand pedagogy (teaching others) and how best to translate this knowledge (pedagogical content knowledge) to learners. Without technology education teachers, most school-aged learners will not develop proper perspectives about technology and will need to search on their own to understand, apply, and assess the intelligent use of these old and modern technologies.
Von John Ritz im Buch Handbook of Technology Education (2017) im Text Technology Teacher Education

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