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Managing Obesity Prevention Using Digital Media: A Double-Sided Approach

Guido Zurstiege, Stephan Zipfel, Alexander Ort, Isabelle Mack, Tino G. K. Meitz, Norbert Schäffeler
Zu finden in: Informational Environments (Seite 97 bis 123), 2017 local web 
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Informational EnvironmentsChap. 5 (Zurstiege et al., 2017) is also focusing on healthrelated issues, thus addressing lifelong, informal learning outside of formalized institutions. In particular, it investigates how obesity-related health campaigns that were embedded in various online platforms (Facebook, blog, online news sites) may affect assessments of self-relevance (cognitive perspective) and self-perception (motivational-affective perspective). Results provide evidence that one and the same content will be contextualized and processed differently, depending on the platform on which it occurs, thus providing interesting insights into the question of how to frame health campaigns. The chapter also discusses how health communication campaigns that contain fear appeals interact with individual coping skills to have either supportive or disruptive effects. Finally, Chap. 5 leads into the second part of the book by reporting on the design of a serious game (motivational-affective perspective) that provides health-related information (cognitive perspective), and involves physical (inter-)activity (social-interactive perspective).
Von Jürgen Buder, Friedrich W. Hesse im Buch Informational Environments (2017) im Text Informational Environments
Informational EnvironmentsIn this chapter we report results from a study on a digital health communication campaign initiated by Children´s Healthcare of Atlanta. This campaign has triggered a highly controversial discussion in the USA, because it used obese children and showed them in online media talking about being stigmatized. Our research is based on the assumption that controversial campaigns disseminated via online media run the risk of being re-contextualized, with the possible negative result of jeopardizing the original communicator´s intentions. Results showed that contextual reinforcement of the campaign message (in three contexts: Facebook, online-news, and a health-related blog) improved the self-relevance-perceptions of adolescent recipients. Also, the participants´ affective self-perceptions concerning their own weight were significantly influenced by the argumentative reframing of the original message on a Facebook site, a Blog, and an online news site. In addition, we report about the development and evaluation of a motion-controlled serious game used to address barriers of obesity prevention in school aged children. In the media, communication about health-related risks mainly uses fear as a motivation for lifestyle-changes, as the time window to communicate the message is usually very short. In contrast, to support motivation in an informal unguided learning context which has to be viable for a longer time, the gamification of learning content is an important strategy. The focus of the serious game is on (1) self-reflective diagnostic tools to analyse the daily food intake and free-time activities, (2) gamified information and knowledge-tests about food groups, drinks, and energy density, as well as (3) relaxation exercises to aid addressing psychosocial aspects.
Von Guido Zurstiege, Stephan Zipfel, Alexander Ort, Isabelle Mack, Tino G. K. Meitz, Norbert Schäffeler im Buch Informational Environments (2017) im Text Managing Obesity Prevention Using Digital Media: A Double-Sided Approach

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