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Children Designers

Interdisciplinary Constructions for Learning and Knowing Mathematics in a Computer-Rich School
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Children DesignersReports on a project involving fourth grade students who wrote instructional software programs to teach other children about fractions. Students learned not only about programming and fractions, but also about design and user interface as well as representational and pedagogical issues.
Von Klappentext im Buch Children Designers (1991)
Children DesignersIn this book, the author presents a new vision of learning through design and production, and describes computer programming as a source of a learning and design power. As means of studying this extended notion of children's programming, the author implemented "Instructional Software Design Projects" to explore the learning that takes place when students develop complete mathematical software products designed for other students in their school. The results demonstrate that the young designers learned not only about mathematics (fractions) and programming (Logo), but also about design and user interfaces, as well as representational, pedagogical, and communicational issues.
Von Klappentext im Buch Children Designers (1991)

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Computercomputer , Lernenlearning , LOGO (Programmiersprache)LOGO (programming language) , Mathematikmathematics , Softwaresoftware

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icon19 Erwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

iconCo-zitierte Bücher


The Second Self

Computers and the human spirit

The Second Self

Computers and the human spirit

(Sherry Turkle) (1984)  local 

Die Wissenschaften vom Künstlichen

The science of the artificial

(Herbert Simon) local 


Kinder, Computer und neues Lernen

(Seymour Papert) (1982) local web 

Revolution des Lernens

Kinder, Computer, Schule in einer digitalen Welt

The Children's Machine

Rethinking school in the age of the computer

(Seymour Papert) (1993)  local 

Changing Minds

Computers, Learning and Literacy

(Andrea diSessa) (2001) local 

Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams

Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds (Complex Adaptive Systems)

(Mitchel Resnick) (1994)  local 

Software Design for Learning

Children’s Construction of Meaning for Fractions and Logo Programming

(Idit Harel) (1988)

Why Knot?

(C. Strohecker) (1991)

The Reflective Practitioner

How Professionals Think in Action

(Donald A. Schön) (1983) local 

Beyond the Centralized Mindset

Explorations in Massively-Parallel Microworld,

(Mitchel Resnick) (1992)

Experience And Education

(John Dewey) Bei amazon.de anschauen

The Wealth of Networks

How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom

(Yochai Benkler) (2006) local web 

Constructionism in Practice

Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World

(Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick) (1996)  

MOOSE Crossing

Creating a Learning Culture.

(Amy Bruckman) (1994) local web 

Minds in Play

Computer Game Design As A Context for Children's Learning

(Yasmin B. Kafai) (1995) local web 

Women and Information Technology

Research on Underrepresentation

(J. McGrath Cohoon, William Aspray) (2006) local 

The Computer Clubhouse

Constructionism and Creativity in Youth Communities

(Yasmin B. Kafai, Kylie A. Peppler, Robbin N. Chapman) (2009)

Turtle geometry

The computer as a medium for exploring mathematics

(Harold Abelson, Andrea diSessa) (1986) local 

iconBibliographisches Hier finden Sie Angaben um das gewählte Werk zu kaufen oder in einer Bibliothek auszuleihen.

Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Children Designers E Paperback - 1 0893917885 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!
Children Designers E Gebunden - 1 0893917877 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

iconBeat und dieses Buch

Beat war Co-Leiter des ICT-Kompetenzzentrums TOP während er dieses Buch ins Biblionetz aufgenommen hat. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt weder ein physisches noch ein digitales Exemplar. Aufgrund der wenigen Einträge im Biblionetz scheint er es nicht wirklich gelesen zu haben.

iconBiblionetz-History Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung, wann wie viele Verweise von und zu diesem Objekt ins Biblionetz eingetragen wurden und wie oft die Seite abgerufen wurde.