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The Big Disconnect

Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age
Catherine Steiner-Adair, Teresa H. Barker , local 


The Big Disconnect

As the focus of family has turned to the glow of the screen—children constantly texting their friends, parents working online around the clock—everyday life is undergoing a massive transformation. Easy availability to the Internet and social media has erased the boundaries that protect children from the unsavory aspects of adult life. Parents often feel they are losing a meaningful connection with their children. Children are feeling lonely and alienated. The digital world is here to stay, but what are families losing with technology's gain?

As renowned clinical psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair explains, families are in crisis around this issue, and even more so than they realize. Not only do chronic tech distractions have deep and lasting effects, but children desperately need parents to provide what tech cannot: close, significant interactions with the adults in their lives. Drawing on real-life stories from her clinical work with children and parents, and her consulting work with educators and experts across the country, Steiner-Adair offers insights and advice that can help parents achieve greater under-standing, authority, and confidence as they come up against the tech revolution unfolding in their living rooms.

We all know that deep connection with the people we love means everything to us. It's time to look with fresh eyes and an open mind at the disconnection we are experiencing from our extreme device dependence. It's never too late to put down the iPad and come to the dinner table.

Von Klappentext im Buch The Big Disconnect (2013)

iconDieses Buch erwähnt ...

KB IB clear
Amy Chua , Courtney Hsing , Sara H. Konrath , Edward H. O’Brien , Neil Postman , Maryanne Wolf

KB IB clear
Digitalisierung , Elternparents , Familiefamily , gritgrit , instant gratification , Internetinternet , iPad , Kinderchildren , social softwaresocial software , work-life-balance
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1982 local  The disappearance of childhood (Neil Postman) 1, 4, 11, 9, 2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 13, 3, 3 633733143
2007 local  Proust and the Squid (Maryanne Wolf) 205400
2011 local  Die Mutter des Erfolgs (Amy Chua) 54, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 5, 4, 4, 6, 8, 1 1411193
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2011 local web  Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time (Sara H. Konrath, Edward H. O’Brien, Courtney Hsing) 7, 9, 7, 1, 4, 5, 8, 1, 2, 7, 12, 2 752318

iconDieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... Eine statistisch erstelle Liste von nicht erwähnten (oder zumindest nicht erfassten) Begriffen, die aufgrund der erwähnten Begriffe eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, erwähnt zu werden.

Nicht erwähnte Begriffe
Bildung, Computer, LehrerIn, Schule, Tablet, Unterricht



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iconCo-zitierte Bücher


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The Power of Talk in a Digital Age

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
The Big Disconnect E - - - 0062082426 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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