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Thinking with Data

How to Turn Information into Insights
Max Shron ,


Thinking with DataMany analysts are too concerned with tools and techniques for cleansing, modeling, and visualizing datasets and not concerned enough with asking the right questions. In this practical guide, data strategy consultant Max Shron shows you how to put the why before the how, through an often-overlooked set of analytical skills.
Thinking with Data helps you learn techniques for turning data into knowledge you can use. You’ll learn a framework for defining your project, including the data you want to collect, and how you intend to approach, organize, and analyze the results. You’ll also learn patterns of reasoning that will help you unveil the real problem that needs to be solved.
  • Learn a framework for scoping data projects
  • Understand how to pin down the details of an idea, receive feedback, and begin prototyping
  • Use the tools of arguments to ask good questions, build projects in stages, and communicate results
  • Explore data-specific patterns of reasoning and learn how to build more useful arguments
  • Delve into causal reasoning and learn how it permeates data work
  • Put everything together, using extended examples to see the method of full problem thinking in action
Von Klappentext im Buch Thinking with Data (2014)

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KB IB clear
Algorithmusalgorithm, Datendata, Denkenthinking, Informationinformation, machine learning, patternpattern, Problemproblem, PrototypingPrototyping, StaatsschuldenquoteDebt-to-GDP ratio


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Thinking with Data E - - 0 1449362931 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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