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Programming-Languages as a Conceptual Framework for Teaching Mathematics

Final Report on the First Fifteen Months of the LOGO Project
W. Feurzeig, , M. Bloom, R. Grant, , local web 


Programming-Languages as a Conceptual Framework for Teaching MathematicsA new mathematics curriculum was used in this study which depended fundamentally on the use of computers and programing for presentation. The main part of the research was done with seventh grade children utilizing a programing language, LOGO, specifically designed for the teaching of mathematics. An investigation was also conducted with a group of second and third graders. After a brief exposition of the LOGO language, the two teaching activities are described in some detail, including many examples of the classroom and laboratory materials used. The report begins with a discussion of the reasons that mathematics instruction is so difficult, and states the underlying issues that have dictated the kind of approach taken here. Following the descriptive material on the teaching experiments is a discussion of the results, including some evaluation of the year's work and of the project. A detailed description of the LOGO programing language and system is appended.
Von Klappentext im Buch Programming-Languages as a Conceptual Framework for Teaching Mathematics (1969)
Seymour PapertCynthia SolomonThis is a report of research and teaching directed toward thedevelopment of a new mathematics curriculum whose presentationdepends fundamentally on the use of computers and programming.The work was centered mainly on a mathematics teaching experimentwith seventh grade children utilizing a programming language,LOGO, specifically designed for the teaching of mathematics.We also conducted an investigation of the use of LOGO in teaching much younger children -- a group of second and third graders.
After a brief exposition of the LOGO language, the two teaching activities are described in some detai.11 including many examples of the classroom and laboratory materials used.The report begins with a discussion of the reasons why the learning and teaching of mathematics are so difficult, and states the underlying issues that have dictated the kind of approach undertaken here.Following the descriptive material on the teaching experiments is a discussion of the results including some evaluations of the year's work and of the project. A detailed description of the LOGO programming language and system is appended.
Von W. Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, M. Bloom, R. Grant, Cynthia Solomon im Buch Programming-Languages as a Conceptual Framework for Teaching Mathematics (1969)

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