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Reinventing Schooling

Zu finden in: Tinkering Towards Utopia, 1995 local 
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Tinkering Towards UtopiaIn this chapter we explore some examples of how outsiders tried to reinvent schooling
  • by importing into schools complex new techniques of management and budgeting developed by business and government during the 1960s and early 1970s;
  • by contracting instruction to innovators who claimed that private corporations could do a better job of teaching the basics than the public schools-and make a profit in the process
  • by employing technology to transform instruction;
  • and by basing incentives and career paths in teaching on competition and hierarchy.
The results of these attempts differed by reforms, but in the main, they had little lasting impact on public schools.
Von David Tyack, Larry Cuban im Buch Tinkering Towards Utopia (1995) im Text Reinventing Schooling

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Warum wird ICT in der Bildung nicht stärker genutzt?

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Leitmedienwechsel-Reaktion 5: Wer redet noch von Schule?
Schulen sind veränderungsresistent

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Fernsehentelevision , grammar of schooling , ICTICT , Managementmanagement , management by objectives (MBO)management by objectives , Ökonomisierung , Ökonomisierung der Bildung , Radioradio , Schuleschool , Total Quality Management (TQM)Total Quality Management , Wandtafelblackboard

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The educational potential of the computer is already apparent, but the jury is out on how soon and how extensively the computer will be incorporated in everyday instruction. Computers are by far the most powerful teaching and learning machines to enter the classroom. Students and teachers can interact with computers in ways impossible with film, radio, and television. Depending on the software, preschoolers through graduate students can write and edit, learn languages, have a machine "tutor" in algebra, retrieve a great variety of information from electronic disks or distant libraries, receive E-mail from students a continent away, prepare multimedia reports, and use state-of-the-art technology in drafting, auto mechanics, and office work. In special education, computers help blind, deaf, and multiply-disabled students read, write, and communicate in ways that heretofore were unavailable. These various uses of the computer, valuable in themselves, will still require the integration and sense-making that a good teacher can provide. And whether teachers will embrace this new technology depends in good part on the ability of technologically minded reformers to understand the realities of the classroom and to enlist teachers as collaborators rather than regarding them as obstacles to progress.
von David Tyack, Larry Cuban  im Buch Tinkering Towards Utopia (1995) im Text Reinventing Schooling auf Seite 126

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