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Autonomous Recovery from Programming Errors Made by Primary School Children

Martina Forster, Urs Hauser, Giovanni Serafini, Jacqueline Staub
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Giovanni SerafiniJacqueline StaubProgramming classes offer unique opportunities to learn both semantic and syntactic precision, even for primary school children without prior knowledge in computer science. In order to make students progress autonomously, programming languages and environments need to be chosen with care to their didactic quality. This paper introduces four classes covering the majority of what we call structural programming errors. These mistakes are either syntactical errors or the result of invocations that do not match the signature of any user-defined command, and therefore prevent the execution of a program. Furthermore, we present a methodology that allows for detecting as many structural programming errors as possible, and show how we integrated this methodology in our Logo programming environment for primary schools. Finally, we reflect on an evaluation we carried out at school that confirms the didactic benefits of the chosen approach.
Von Martina Forster, Urs Hauser, Giovanni Serafini, Jacqueline Staub im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (2018) im Text Autonomous Recovery from Programming Errors Made by Primary School Children


Beat Döbeli HoneggerDieses Paper beschreibt Möglichkeiten, wie man bei Programmierfehlern in textuellen Sprachen Unterstützung bieten, die in blockbasierten Sprachen gar nicht auftreten können (Syntaxfehler und falsche Referenzen auf andere Prozeduren / Funktionen / Variablen).
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 21.07.2022

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Daniel D. Garcia , Brian Harvey , Juraj Hromkovic , Tobias Kohn , Dennis Komm , Josh Paley , Seymour Papert , Luke Segars , Giovanni Serafini , Jacqueline Staub , David Wolber

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Informatikcomputer science , Primarschule (1-6) / Grundschule (1-4)primary school , Programmierenprogramming , Programmiersprachenprogramming languages , Schuleschool
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