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Why Young Programmers Should Make Game Art

A Study from a Game-Making Course
Mária Karpielová, Karolína Miková
Zu finden in: Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education (Seite 57 bis 68), 2021 local web 
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Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing EducationCreating computer games is a complex task, and when the game is treated not as a program but rather as a project, other aspects may enter the game-making process, such as game design, game art or project management itself. The task’s complexity also allows pupils to develop new skills and practices, which can help them motivate themselves, solve problems, or accomplish tasks. And although it is programming that is currently at the centre of many educational research endeavours in primary schools, other aspects of the game-making process could offer valuable insights, such as how pupils approach those other aspects or how this new complexity alters pupils’ learning. In this paper, pupils’ practices regarding the aspect of game art are explored. Using a mixed-methods design, we describe the experience of teachers at a primary school game-making course. The aim was to explore the role of game art in a programmer’s creating process. Building on interviews with experienced teachers, functions that game art tasks fulfil are identified and then measured again to determine how meaningful they are according to teachers. Moreover, the assessment of the method of using pixel art tasks is described and it outlines reasons why it is a suitable option when introducing pupils to creating game art. Together, this paper offers insights into how game art can help regulate learning and promote good practices among primary school pupils.
Von Mária Karpielová, Karolína Miková im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education (2021) im Text Why Young Programmers Should Make Game Art

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