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Geeks halten sich für Ausnahmen, die sich nicht an die üblichen Regeln halten müssen

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Paul GlenGroups of geeks often believe that they are or should be exempted from rules, procedures, or routines that are prescribed for others in the organization.
Von Paul Glen im Buch Leading Geeks (2003) im Text Groups of Geeks auf Seite  47
Paul GlenBecause geekwork is so different from ordinary work, geeks often assume that policies designed for others shouldn't apply to them. They feel that because their work is so abstract and nonroutine, they should not be subject to rules meant to govern more routine work.
Von Paul Glen im Buch Leading Geeks (2003) im Text Groups of Geeks auf Seite  47
Stereotype #1: The "High Maintenance" IT Professional: According to this stereotype, IT professionals provide significant value to their organizations, but they expect their organizations to meet their many needs. Expectations of these high achievers include more pay, benefits, interesting work, recognition, and opportunities for growth and development. These IT professionals define more interesting work as the opportunity to work on hot projects with the latest and greatest information technology. They spend long hours, preferably at their time and place of choice, learning new technologies and determining how to make systems work. Nonetheless, they want the organization to provide them with training and new technologies to help them keep current. They want to be challenged to make great things happen with these technologies and to be appreciated for their contributions. Fundamentally, the character of this stereotype is consistent with research showing that high performers are motivated by specific challenging goals and feedback [3, 5] and that IT professionals have a high need for growth and development [2].
Von Harvey G. Enns, Thomas W. Ferratt, Jayesh Prasad Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Text Beyond stereotypes of IT professionals (2006) auf Seite  106

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