Textmates and Text Circles
Insights into the Social Ecology of SMS Text Messaging
Donna Reid, Fraser Reid
Zu finden in: Mobile World, 2005
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Donna Reid and Fraser Reid look at the psychological impact of texting on social interaction amongst regular users and ask whether texting has the same effect as is reported for internet use. They present here preliminary findings of a survey, with particular reference to measures of phone usage, patterns of communication, and social anxiety and loneliness. Exploring the differences between those who prefer texting and those who prefer talking on their mobiles, it is found that "Texters" had a close knit text circle, interconnecting with a close group of friends in perpetual SMS messaging contact. Rather than provide a stepping stone to real-world relationships, texting provides a distinctive and alternative mode of social contact which continues to appeal to Texters even when textmates are already close friends meeting up on a regular face-to-face basis. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that texting does help to create relationships that may not have developed otherwise.
Von Lynne Hamill im Buch Mobile World (2005) im Text Digital Revolution - Mobile Revolution? Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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