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Different directions in the mobile internet

Analysing mobile internet services in Japan and Europe
Richard Tee
Zu finden in: Mobile World, 2005
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Mobile WorldRichard Tee makes use of a Social Construction Of Technology (SCOT) approach to identify the underlying causes that have shaped the developments of mobile internet services in Europe and Japan respectively. The configuration of relationships between relevant social groups is identified as a key factor. In particular, the power of the mobile operator in Japan has had far reaching consequences with regard to the way mobile internet services can be introduced and controlled. While no actor in Europe has either the power or the will to coordinate mobile internet services as these have been introduced in Japan, the mobile internet has taken along a different shape, characterised by protocols based on open standards as well as proprietary platforms.
Von Lynne Hamill im Buch Mobile World (2005) im Text Digital Revolution - Mobile Revolution?

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