ICT Development Index

ICT Development Index, IDI

- Access sub-index:This sub-index captures ICT readiness, and includes five infrastructure and access indicators (fixed-telephone subscriptions, mobilecellular telephone subscriptions, international Internet bandwidth per Internet user, percentage of households with a computer, and percentage of households with Internet access).
- Use sub-index:This sub-index captures ICT intensity, and includes three ICT intensity and usage indicators (percentage of Internet users, fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions, and active mobilebroadband subscriptions).
- Skills sub-index:This sub-index captures ICT capability or skills as indispensable input indicators. It includes three proxy indicators (adult literacy, gross secondary enrolment and gross tertiary enrolment), and therefore is given less weight in the computation of the IDI compared with the other two sub-indices.

- Anteil der Erwachsenen, die schreiben und lesen können
- Zugangsrate zu höheren Schulen
- Zugangsrate zu Universitäten und Hochschulen
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2 Erwähnungen 
- Messung von informatorischer und technologischer Reife - Der Networked Readiness Index und andere Technologieindizes (Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH) (2011)
- Measuring the Information Society 2012 (ITU International Telecommunication Union) (2012)