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ENpS-Beschaffung 1: Standardisieren Sie

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Quite simply, standardization is essential for the sake of adequate technical support services, training sessions, sharing of knowledge, and smooth communication.
Von David G. Brown, Jennifer J. Burg, Jay L. Dominick im Journal Campus-Wide Computing (1998) im Text A strategic plan for ubiquitous laptop computing auf Seite  28
We would argue that standardization and universal access are fundamental to any plan for campus-wide computer adoption. In fact, the consistency and standardization of our plan have been greatly responsible for its success.
Von David G. Brown, Jennifer J. Burg, Jay L. Dominick im Journal Campus-Wide Computing (1998) im Text A strategic plan for ubiquitous laptop computing auf Seite  27
Standardization of hardware and software is essential for the sake of economy, maintenance, training, and smooth communication. The ideal is to provide and support standardized platforms for general use, while allowing diverse self-sup-ported platforms for experienced or experimental users.
Von David G. Brown, Jennifer J. Burg, Jay L. Dominick im Journal Campus-Wide Computing (1998) im Text A strategic plan for ubiquitous laptop computing auf Seite  35
From a philosophical viewpoint, issuing a standard computer to all students is desirable on the grounds that it places all students on a level playing field. From a practical viewpoint, a high degree of standardization is necessary to make the large-scale, campus-wide distribution and use of computers feasible.
Von David G. Brown, Jennifer J. Burg, Jay L. Dominick im Journal Campus-Wide Computing (1998) im Text A strategic plan for ubiquitous laptop computing auf Seite  27

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