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Simplicity Law 1: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.

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John MaedaThe process of reaching an ideal state of simplicity can be truly complex, so allow me to simplify it for you. The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtfull reduction. When in doubt, just remove. But be careful of what you remove.
Von John Maeda im Buch The Laws of Simplicity (2006) auf Seite  1
John MaedaThe easiest way to simplify a system is to remove functionality. Today's DVD, for instance, has too many buttons if all you want to do is play a movie. A solution could be to remove the buttons for Rewind, Forward, Eject, and so forth until only one button remains: Play.
Von John Maeda im Buch The Laws of Simplicity (2006) auf Seite  1

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