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Finnland schafft die Schulfächer (nicht) ab

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It is with great irony that all those posts that celebrate critical thinking in education seem to display the least of it. This might seem harmless, but it’s not. It’s fake news. Period. Fake news on bogus curriculum reforms messes with how we educate our children.
Von Jelmer Evers im Text Fake News and the Finnish Curriculum (2017)
Finland’s plans to replace the teaching of classic school subjects such as history or English with broader, cross-cutting “topics” as part of a major education reform have been getting global attention, thanks to an article in The Independent, one of the UK’s trusted newspapers. Stay calm: despite the reforms, Finnish schools will continue to teach mathematics, history, arts, music and other subjects in the future.
Von Pasi Sahlberg im Text Finland’s school reforms won’t scrap subjects altogether (2015)

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