Korreliert Bildschirmgrösse mit Produktivität?

In closely related work, Simmons & Manahan (1999)
studied the productivity benefits of using
increasingly large displays. In that study, they
examined productivity for MS Office tasks (e.g.,
using Word, Excel, etc.) with four different monitors
sizes: 15”, 17”, 19” and 21” diagonal viewing areas.
Resolution was not controlled across the monitor
sizes. Significant productivity benefits were
reported for the 21” monitor size in terms of task
times and overall preference. A few other studies
using single, widely available displays sizes have
also reported performance benefits such as ease of
learning task speed decreases from using the larger
display sizes (De Bruijn, De Mul & Van Oostendorp,
1992; Dillon, Richardson & McKnight, 1990;
Kingery & Furuta, 1997; Sommerich et al., 1998).
Unfortunately, these studies did not examine display
sizes larger than a 21” diagonal display.
Von M. Czerwinski, Greg Smith, Tim Regan, Brian Meyers, George Robertson, Gary Starkweather im Text Toward Characterizing the Productivity Benefits of Very Large Displays (2003)
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7 Erwähnungen 
- Grundlagen hypermedialer Lernsysteme - Theorie - Didaktik - Design (Rolf Schulmeister) (1996)
- Effects of Screen Size, Screen Resolution, and Display Rate on Computer-Based Test Performance (Brent Bridgeman, Mary Louise Lennon, Altamese Jackenthal) (2001)
- What's the Optimum Computer Display Size? (Terri Simmons) (2001)
- Toward Characterizing the Productivity Benefits of Very Large Displays (M. Czerwinski, Greg Smith, Tim Regan, Brian Meyers, George Robertson, Gary Starkweather) (2003)
- Effects of tiled high-resolution display on basic visualization and navigation tasks (Robert Ball, Chris North) (2005)
- The Large-Display User Experience (George Robertson, M. Czerwinski, Patrick Baudisch, Brian Meyers, Daniel C. Robbins, Greg Smith, Desney Tan) (2005)
- Shaping the Display of the Future - The Effects of Display Size and Curvature on User Performance and Insights (Lauren Shupp, Christopher Andrews, Margaret Kurdziolek, Beth Yost, Chris North) (2008)