Advance Organizer | |
CSCL | |
Effektstärke | |
E-Learning | A combination of content and instructional methods
delivered by media elements, such as words and graphics
on a computer or mobile device intended to build
job-transferable knowledge and skills linked to individual
learning goals or organizational performance. May be
designed for self-study or instructor-led training.
Lerntyp/Lernstil | The idea that individuals process information in
different ways based on some specific mental differences.
For example, some learners may have an auditory style
and learn better from narration, while others have a
visual style and learn better from graphics. There is
little evidence to support most learning styles.
Metaanalyse | |
Metakognition | Awareness and control of one’s learning or thinking
processing, including setting goals, monitoring
progress, and adjusting strategies as needed. Also called
metacognitive skill and self-regulatory skill.
problem-based learning | |
social software | Computer applications that allow individuals to
correspond or collaborate with others. Some examples
include wikis, blogs, discussion boards, Facebook, and
online conferencing.