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Classroom Presenter

Enhancing Interactive Education and Collaboration with Digital Ink
Richard Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Peter Davis, Natalie Linnell, Craig Prince, Valentin Razmov, Fred Videon
Zu finden in: Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 (Seite 56 bis 61), 2007 local web 
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Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9Classroom Presenter is a Tablet PC-based interaction system that supports the sharing of digital ink on slides between instructors and students.
Von Klappentext in der Zeitschrift Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 (2007) im Text Classroom Presenter
Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9"Classroom Presenter: Enhancing Interactive Educa-tion and Collaboration with Digital Ink" by RichardAnderson and colleagues discusses a Tablet PC-basedinteraction system that supports the sharing of digitalink on slides between instructors and students anddescribes its use in classroom interaction scenarios. Theydemonstrate that the technology offers flexibility and arange of expression that can achieve a wide range ofeducational goals and foster a more participatory class-room environment.
Von Jane Prey, Alf Weaver in der Zeitschrift Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 (2007) im Text Tablet PC Technology
Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9Networked Tablet PCs can be used for a wide range of classroom applications including note taking, interaction with presentation materials, simulations, in-class communication, and accessing outside resources. The authors have developed Classroom Presenter, a distributed Table PCbased system that supports the sharing of digital ink on electronic slides among instructor, students, and public displays to explore a set of classroom interaction scenarios for enhancing student engagement in class. Initial deployments of the system show that instructors can exploit this technology not only to achieve a wide range of educational goals successfully but also to create a more participatory and collaborative environment.
Von Klappentext in der Zeitschrift Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 (2007) im Text Classroom Presenter

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