A Taxonomy of Diagram TaxonomiesAlan F. Blackwell, Yuri Engelhardt
Erstpublikation in: Proceedings of Thinking with Diagrams 98: Is there a science of diagrams?, pp. 60-70.
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A large number of taxonomic approaches have been proposed for the study of diagrammatic representations. We have reviewed existing taxonomic systems as well as current research questions in this multi-disciplinary community. Based on this review, we propose a set of taxonomic dimensions that can be used for analysing and comparing existing taxonomic systems, and for assessing their relevance to specific research questions. The proposed framework also enables a comparative positioning of the various research endeavours in this multi-disciplinary field.
Von Alan F. Blackwell, Yuri Engelhardt im Text A Taxonomy of Diagram Taxonomies (1998) Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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