Use of Wireless Mobile Technology to Bridge the Learning DivideMohamed Ally
Zu finden in: International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Seite 883 bis 889), 2009
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There are learners in some parts of the world who have limited or no access to learning resources which learners in others parts have full access to these resources. However, this gap in access to learning materials - referred to as the learning divide - should not be present in this generation with the proliferation of emerging technology in many sectors of society. Educators have the responsibility to design and deliver learning materials for everyone around the world regardless of location. The use of wireless mobile technology to reach learners around the world will help to bridge the learning divide gap. Learners in remote locations will be able to access learning materials without leaving their communities. At the same time, delivering learning materials using emerging technology will allow educational institutions around the world to access learning materials to train and upgrade teachers.
Von Mohamed Ally im Buch International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2009) im Text Use of Wireless Mobile Technology to Bridge the Learning Divide Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Konstruktionismusconstructionism , Lernenlearning , Problemlösefähigkeitproblem solving skills |
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