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A compass for sustainable person-centered governance

Alberto Zucconi
Zu finden in: Angewandte Psychologie (Seite 123 bis 135), 2019 local web 
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Angewandte Psychologie

Nowadays we are impacted by a multiplication of man-made phenomena, the destruction of the planet vast resources, the population bomb and an increasing compulsive consumerism accompanied by skyrocketing expectations based on wishful thinking and not on sustainable planetary capacities. At the same time the gap between the rich and the poor is dramatically growing, as the widespread effects of lack of understanding of the origins of our self-inflicted problems. Do we already have some effective tools to help us understand and manage the needed sustainable change? Can we use them for promoting sustainable, resilient and empowering narratives and identities? Can we benefit from employing some of the tools created by humanistic psychologists and positive psychologists? Here a more encompassing concept of health and a bio-psycho-socio-ecological compass are proposed and some of the contributions of Carl Rogers and of the Person-Centered Approach illustrated.

Von Alberto Zucconi im Buch Angewandte Psychologie (2019) im Text A compass for sustainable person-centered governance

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