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ENTJs take charge quickly and deal directly with problems, especially in situations that involve confusion and inefficiency. They provide structure to the organizations to which they belong and design strategies to accomplish their personal and organizational goals. They are 'take charge' people who organise their own and others' external environments. They use their resources to find a way to meet the challenge. They are at their best in using their analytical and strategic thinking.
Von Sandra Krebs Hirsch, Jean Kummerow im Buch Lifetypes (1992) If one word were used to capture ENTJ's style, it would be commandant. The basic driving force and need of ENTJ's is to lead, and from an early age they can be observed taking over groups. This type is found in approximately 5 percent of the total population. ENTJ's have a strong urge to give structure wherever they are-to harness people to distant goals. Their empirical, objective, and extraverted thinking may be highly developed; if this is the case, they use classification, generalization, summarization, adduction of evidence, and demonstration with ease. They resemble ESTJ's in their tendency to establish plans for a task, enterprise, or organization, but ENTJ's search more for policy and goals than for regulations and procedures. An ENTJ's introverted thinking (analysis and conservation) may be less well developed than the extraverted thinking processes, and the ENTJ leader may turn to an ENTP or INTP to provide his kind of input. ENTJ's are similar to INTJ's except that the former places greater trust in empirical thought than in intuition; it is the ENTJ's own intuitive sense of coherence, however, that augments and supports their empirical thinking.
Von David Keirsey im Buch Please Understand Me II (1998) Bemerkungen
ENTJs bekleiden im allgemeinen verantwortungsvolle Positionen. Führungsaufgaben liegen ihnen ganz besonders. Sie geben sich ihrer Tätigkit mit unermüdlichem Pflichteifer hin, so daß zugunsten der Arbeit andere Lebensbereiche vernachlässigt werden können. Sie sind meistens imstande, mangelnde Leistungsfähigkeit Erfolglosigkeit und zielloses Durcheinander auf ein Mindestmaß zu beschränken, indem sie gewillt sind, Angestellte zu entlassen, die ein solches Verhalten auf Dauer praktizieren. ENTJs sind in Unternehmen jedweder Art beschäftigt und steigen häufig in die höchsten Führungsschichten auf, ob in der Geschäftswelt, im Bildungswesen, im Militär oder in der Regierung.
Von Marilyn Bates, David Keirsey im Buch Please Understand Me (1978) im Text Die Sechzehn Typen auf Seite 237Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | INTJ(0.4), ESTJ(0.33), ISTJ(0.33), INFJ(0.28), ENFJ(0.28), ENTP(0.28), ESTP(0.16), ISTP(0.16), ISFP(0.16), ISFJ(0.16), INTP(0.16), ENFP(0.16), INFP(0.16), ESFJ(0.16), ESFP(0.16) |
Häufig co-zitierte Personen
Statistisches Begriffsnetz
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
4 Erwähnungen
- Please Understand Me - Character and Temperament Types (David Keirsey, Marilyn Bates) (1978)
- Die Sechzehn Typen (Marilyn Bates, David Keirsey)
- Please Understand Me II - Temperament, Character, Intelligence (David Keirsey) (1998)
- Wild Duck - Empirische Philosophie der Mensch- Computer- Vernetzung (Gunter Dueck) (2000)
- E-Man - Die neuen virtuellen Herrscher (Gunter Dueck) (2001)
- 8. E-Man's World