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Exorciser is an interactive learning environment for exercises in a standard introduction to the Theory of Computation
Von Vincent Tscherter in der Dissertation Exorciser (2004) im Text Computers and Education auf Seite 8Exorciser is a framework for exercises in an introductory course on the Theory of Computation where students test their mastery of basic concepts while the system’s fine-grained grading pinpoints the source of any misunderstanding.
Von Vincent Tscherter, Reto Lamprecht, Jürg Nievergelt im Text Exorciser (2002) Verwandte Objeke
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A. W.
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Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
6 Erwähnungen
- Exorciser - Automatic Generation and Interactive Grading of Exercises in the Theory of Computation (Vincent Tscherter, Reto Lamprecht, Jürg Nievergelt) (2002)
- Exorciser - Automatic Generation and Interactive Grading of Structured Exercises in the Theory of Computation (Vincent Tscherter) (2004)
- 2. Interactive Exercises - Examples
- 3. Guidance - What is the Right Degree of Control?
- 7. Experience and Evaluation
- GraphBench - Exploring the Limits of Complexity with Educational Software (ETH Dissertation 16392) (Markus Brändle) (2006)
- Lehrbuch Informatik - Vorkurs Programmieren, Geschichte und Begriffsbildung (Juraj Hromkovic) (2008)