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PaaS Platform as a Service

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PaaS, Platform as a Service


DesktopvirtualisierungPlatform as a Service (PaaS) bietet sowohl eine Ausführungs- als auch eine Entwicklungs-Plattform auf Basis des Cloud Computings an. Damit wird die Entwicklung und der Rollout von Anwendungen vereinfacht ohne die Kosten und die Komplexität der darunterliegenden Hardware und Software.
Von Robert Vogel, Tarkan Kocoglu, Thomas Berger im Buch Desktopvirtualisierung (2010) auf Seite  121
Cloud Computing Use CasesPlatform as a Service (PaaS): The consumer uses a hosting environment for their applications. The consumer controls the applications that run in the environment (and possibly has some control over the hosting environment), but does not control the operating system, hardware or network infrastructure on which they are running. The platform is typically an application framework.
Von Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group im Buch Cloud Computing Use Cases (2010) auf Seite  6
Cloud Computing for SchoolsPlatform as a Service involves the consumer deploying software applications onto the cloud infrastructure and running them there, however large or small they may be, thereby avoiding any CapEx (capital expenditure) on servers or infrastructure; the platform is usually scalable and elastic so that as usage peaks or dips, the platform automatically expands or contracts to meet the need. Programming platforms and tools (such as .NET, java or python) and APIs for building cloud-based applications and services are exposed to developers who can create applications for testing or for commercial purposes for a minute fraction of the cost of provisioning server infrastructure for themselves. Google’s App Engine allows developers to write programs to run on Google’s infrastructure or platform. Other examples include Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Azure Storage, and Force.com.
Von Shane O'Doherty in der Masterarbeit Cloud Computing for Schools (2010) auf Seite  20


Cloud Computing Use CasesFor Platform as a Service, the provider manages the cloud infrastructure for the platform, typically a framework for a particular type of application. The consumer’s application cannot access the infrastructure underneath the platform.
Von Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group im Buch Cloud Computing Use Cases (2010) auf Seite  12

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
IaaSInfrastructure as a Service(0.44), SaaSSoftware as a Service(0.31), Hybrid CloudHybrid Cloud(0.08), Private CloudPrivate Cloud(0.04), Public CloudPublic Cloud(0.04), cloud computingcloud computing(0.03)

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