IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
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IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The consumer uses "fundamental
computing resources" such as processing power, storage, networking
components or middleware. The consumer can control the operating
system, storage, deployed applications and possibly networking
components such as firewalls and load balancers, but not the cloud
infrastructure beneath them.
Von Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group im Buch Cloud Computing Use Cases (2010) auf Seite 6Infrastructure as a Service (Server, Desktops, Storage) Dieses Modell
bietet “Alles als Service” an und beinhaltet Server,
Netzwerkkomponenten, Speicher, CPU, Speicherplatz und
Rechenzentrum. Typische Eigenschaften sind hierbei das dynamische
Skalieren der Ressourcen entsprechend dem Bedarf, variable Kosten,
Mandantenfähigkeit (mehrere Kunden teilen sich Infrastruktur-
Ressourcen) und Enterprise-Infrastruktur, die auch kleineren
Organisationen zur Verfügung steht.
Von Robert Vogel, Tarkan Kocoglu, Thomas Berger im Buch Desktopvirtualisierung (2010) auf Seite 121Infrastructure as a Service involves the user deploying not just software
applications, but entire virtual machines or virtual server images operating any
number or types of programs to run on the cloud infrastructure with the ability to stop,
start, duplicate and mirror these any required number of times. The user may also be
able to provision processing power, disk storage, networks and firewalls. A company
operating 1,000 servers along with all the costs of hardware and software, electricity
and cooling, maintenance, labour and building space might more economically move
these to virtual servers in the cloud for a fraction of the original expense. Examples of
Infrastructure as a Service include Amazon Web Services and Amazon Elastic Cloud
Compute (EC2), GoGrid and Flexiscale.
Von Shane O'Doherty in der Masterarbeit Cloud Computing for Schools (2010) auf Seite 21Bemerkungen
For Infrastructure as a Service, the provider maintains the storage,
database, message queue or other middleware, or the hosting environment
for virtual machines. The consumer uses that service as if it were a disk
drive, database, message queue, or machine, but they cannot access the
infrastructure that hosts it.
Von Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group im Buch Cloud Computing Use Cases (2010) auf Seite 12Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | PaaSPlatform as a Service(0.44), SaaSSoftware as a Service(0.31), Hybrid CloudHybrid Cloud(0.08), Private CloudPrivate Cloud(0.04), Public CloudPublic Cloud(0.04), cloud computingcloud computing(0.03) |
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8 Erwähnungen
- Cloud Computing - Web-basierte dynamische IT-Services (Christian Baun, Marcel Kunze, Jens Nimis, Stefan Tai) (2010)
- Cloud Computing for Schools (Shane O'Doherty) (2010)
- Cloud Computing Use Cases - A white paper produced by the Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group (Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group) (2010)
- Dossier 'Bildung im Netz 2010-2015' - PERSONAL DEVICES - PERSONAL NET ACCESS - LEAN LAN - EASY GATEWAY - FAST NET - SHARED CLOUDS (Marc Pilloud, Vincent Tscherter, Andreas Meier, Christian Hirt, René Moser) (2011)
- Bildung im Netz - Grundlagen zur Ausgestaltung schulischer ICT-Landschaften (Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Vincent Tscherter, Christian Hirt, Andreas Meier, René Moser, Marc Pilloud) (2012)
- Sturm in die Wolke - Der Cloud-Boom und was Sie davon haben (Holger Bleich) (2012)
- Urheberrechtliche Beurteilung von IaaS- (und XaaS)-Cloud-Diensten für die betriebliche Nutzung gemäss Art. 19 URG (Nicole Beranek Zanon, Carmen De La Cruz Böhringer) (2013)
- Potenziale von Cloud-Lösungen für die Schul-IT (Björn Eric Stolpmann, Lars Niemieczek, Andreas Breiter) (2014)