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TangibleK project TangibleK project

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TangibleK project, TangibleK, Tangible Kindergarten project


The overarching goal of the Tangible Kindergarten project was to explore how we can help young children to develop computational thinking by engaging them in computer programming and robotics in a developmentally appropriate way. As part of this NSF funded grant we worked with over 240 kids, in eight classrooms, and numerous afterschool settings.
Source: ase.tufts.edu/DevTech/tangiblek/research
erfasst im Biblionetz am 23.04.2014
The TangibleK Robotics Program, whose design is informed by the theoretical frameworks of constructionism and PTD, has iteratively implemented and assessed a set of programming and robotics tools, curricula, and pedagogical approaches in close collaboration with hundreds of children and dozens of teachers over the course of five years. The research goals of the TangibleK Robotics Program are to:
  1. Provide an evidence-based description of young children’s learning trajectories in computational thinking and capacity to understanding computer programming and robotics concepts when given developmentally appropriate materials,
  2. Develop and test an early childhood curriculum to teach developmentally appropriate concepts from computer programming and robotics to children in kindergarten through second grade,
  3. Investigate the design features of the programming interface and the mediating role interface design plays in learning to program.
Von Marina Umaschi Bers, Louise P. Flannery, Elizabeth R. Kazakoff im Text Computational thinking and tinkering (2014)

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