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futility thesis futility thesis

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futility thesis, Vergeblichkeitsthese


The Rhetoric of ReactionThe argument to be explored now says [...] that the attempt at change is abor- tive, that in one way or another any alleged change is, was, or will be largely surface, facade, cosmetic, hence illusory, as the "deep" structures of society remain wholly untouched. I shall call it the futility thesis.
Von Albert Hirschman im Buch The Rhetoric of Reaction (1991) im Text The Futility Thesis
Evgeny MorozovIn his influential book The Rhetoric of Reaction, Hirschman argued that all progressive reforms usually attract conservative criticisms that build on one of the following three themes: perversity (whereby the proposed intervention only worsens the problem at hand), futility (whereby the intervention yields no results whatsoever), and jeopardy (where the intervention threatens to undermine some previous, hard-earned accomplishment).
Von Evgeny Morozov im Buch To Save Everything, Click Here (2013) im Text Solutionism and Its Discontents


The Rhetoric of ReactionIt is significant that this argument should have received its classic epigrammatic expression, "Plus ça change plus c'est la même choes, in the aftermath of a revolution. The French journalist Alphonse Karr (1808-1890) coined it in January 1849, upon declaring that "after so much upheaval and change it is about time to take note of this elementary truth."
Von Albert Hirschman im Buch The Rhetoric of Reaction (1991) im Text The Futility Thesis

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perversity thesisperversity thesis(0.54), jeopardy thesisjeopardy thesis(0.44)

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Albert Hirschman Albert

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