Some Perspectives and Major Problems Regarding «Teaching Machines»Zu finden in: Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning (Seite 497 bis 505), 1960
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The writer has for many years been active in development of and experimentation with "teaching machines" but is no longer; seen from this position, which should give both perspective and detachment, the current "explosion" of great interest in this topic involves (in bis view) certain major problems warranting brief comment.
Von Sidney L. Pressey im Buch Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning (1960) im Text Some Perspectives and Major Problems Regarding «Teaching Machines» Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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From kindergarten through graduate school, the most effective learning is usually, in various respects, social: in motivation and continuing stimulation from other pupils, teacher, parents, community; in guidings and elucidations from both classmates and teacher; in goal-settings and appraisals.
von Sidney L. Pressey im Buch Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning (1960) im Text Some Perspectives and Major Problems Regarding «Teaching Machines» auf Seite 499At this comparatively early and conceivably sometimes overenthusiastic stage of attempts at automation, might this "null hypothesis" be desirable: that students and teachers can (on the task in question) do at least as well without the special device or programming as with it! Only if results have warranted the rejection of this hypothesis, can development of special devices or programmings, or comparisons of short versus longer steps or objective versus write-in answers, continue without risk of being found fatuous.
von Sidney L. Pressey im Buch Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning (1960) im Text Some Perspectives and Major Problems Regarding «Teaching Machines» auf Seite 501A second "null hypothesis" is here ventured as desirable to keep in mind: that the device and program in total takes so much time and trouble (or is so expensive) that in cold fact it is impractical for everyday use by the people and in the circumstances for which it is intended. And more important than the expense is the trouble! Unless some of the current materials and procedures (hundreds of programming charts or frames to be kept in order and used just right) are made a lot less clumsy and easier to use, this second null hypothesis will get them.
von Sidney L. Pressey im Buch Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning (1960) im Text Some Perspectives and Major Problems Regarding «Teaching Machines» auf Seite 503Zitationsgraph
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