Visual Power Networking
Patricia Wolf, Peter Troxler, Abdul Samad Kazi


Visual Power Networking requires typically just under an hour of time and guarantees that every delegate would meet at least three other delegates with similar or complementary interests and expertise.
Visual Power Networking creates a buzz amongst the audience. It leaves delegates in an energetic and open state of mind. They are positively activated, easily interested in new topics and they engage readily in some handson activities.
Visual Power Networking establishes connections between delegates that can be further built upon in break out groups and other smallgroup activity during the conference.
Finally, Visual Power Networking creates links between delegates that have the potential to last longer than the conference itself, because they are not randomly generated but purposefully created based on the understanding of every single delegate’s interests and needs.
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![]() Begriffe KB IB clear | information visualizationinformation visualization
, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | knowledge visualization |
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