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information visualization information visualization

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Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardInformation visualization is the use of computer-supported methods to interactively explore and derive new insights through the visualization of large sets of information.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)
Remo A. BurkhardInformation visualization is the use of computer-supported methods to interactively explore and derive new insights through the visualization of large sets of information.
Von Remo A. Burkhard in der Dissertation Knowledge Visualization (2005)
Remo A. BurkhardInformation visualization is the use of computer-supported methods to interactively explore and derive new insights through the visualization of large sets of information (Card, et al., 1999).
Von Remo A. Burkhard in der Dissertation Knowledge Visualization (2005) im Text Frame of Reference auf Seite  23
Knowledge and Information VisualizationInformation visualization (IVis) means collecting data, documentation of abstract database data, for example business data etc., automatic visualization of big data masses and large quantities of information, helping to distribute data.
Von Johannes Drosdol, Hans-Jürgen Frank Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Information and Knowledge Visualization in Development and Use of a Management Information System (MIS) for DaimlerChrysler
Remo A. BurkhardInformation Visualization Forschende untersuchen, wie computerbasierte Visualisierungsmethoden eingesetzt werden können, um grosse Datenbestände mit Hilfe von interaktiven visuellen Benutzeroberflächen zu erforschen, oft in Echtzeit.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Buch Semantic Web (2006) im Text Knowledge Visualization
Knowledge and Information VisualizationAccording to the literature, the term "information visualization" is referred to in a variety of contexts of meaning. In general, psychologists use the term to signify a representational mode (as opposed to verbal descriptions of subject-matter content) used to illustrate in a visual-spatial manner, for example, objects, dynamic systems, events, processes, and procedures. In this regard, the term "information visualization" is an umbrella term for all kinds of visualizations. Here, the term is used in the context of processing, comprehension, and retention of information in static, animated, dynamic, and interactive graphics (Ploetzner & Lowe, 2004; Schnotz, Picard & Hron, 1993). However, computer scientists define the term in a more narrow sense and referred to it as “the use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representation of abstract nonphysically based data to amplify cognition" (Card, Mackinlay & Shneiderman, 1999, p. 6). In computer science, information visualization is a specific technology. According to Carr (1999), information visualization of abstract data is of particular importance for information retrieval if the underlying data set is very large (e.g. like in the case of searching for information on the World Wide Web) and the goals of the user with regard to information retrieval are not easily quantifiable. Research in this context refers to information visualization as a technology for fostering the recognition of structures in abstract data and supporting information retrieval.
im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Visualizing Knowledge and Information


Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardWhile information visualization typically helps to improve information retrieval and access and generally optimizes the presentation of large data sets - particularly in the interaction of humans and computers - knowledge visualization primarily is used to augment knowledgeintensive communication among individuals.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)
Remo A. BurkhardInformation visualization and knowledge visualization are both exploiting our innate abilities to effectively process visual representations. But the way of using these abilities differs: Information visualization aims to explore abstract data and to create new insights. Knowledge visualization in contrast aims to improve the transfer of knowledge between at least two persons or groups of persons.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Text Learning from Architects (2004)
Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardInformation visualization and knowledge visualization are both exploiting our innate abilities to effectively process visual representations, but the way of using these abilities differs in both domains. Information visualization aims to explore large amounts of abstract (often numeric) data to derive new insights or simply make the stored data more accessible. Knowledge visualization, in contrast, facilitates the transfer and creation of knowledge among people by giving them richer means of expressing what they know.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)

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(co-word occurance)
knowledge visualizationknowledge visualization(0.24)

iconRelevante Personen

iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Remo A. Burkhard Remo A.
S. Card S.
J. Mackinlay J.
Edward R. Tufte Edward R.
Chaomei Chen Chaomei
Ben Shneiderman Ben
Stephen M. Kosslyn Stephen M.
B. Spence B.
Colin Ware Colin
Kurt Koffka Kurt
Arthur M. Glenberg Arthur M.
William E. Langston William E.
Richard Saul Wurmann Richard Saul
Robert E. Horn Robert E.
Jill H. Larkin Jill H.
K. Börner K.
J. R. Levin J. R.
Martin Jürg Eppler Martin Jürg
Joseph D. Novak Joseph D.
D. B. Gowin D. B.

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