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Mobile Service Providers and M-learning in Nigeria

Mobile Service Providers and M-learning in Nigeria:
Lukman Ibraheem Diso
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International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)This paper compares the M-Learning programmes of the two largest (in terms of network coverage) and pioneering mobile service providers (MTN and CELTEL/V-Mobile in Nigeria. It examines their services within the context of a generally deteriorating learning environment. It also compares the extent of their compliance with the transmission code of the Nigeria’s regulatory agency, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). Unstructured interview, content analysis, and observation are the major instruments used to collect all data for this study. All the data collected through these instruments are carefully analyzed vis-à-vis the Nigerian environment and the mobile service transmission regulatory provisions.
Von Lukman Ibraheem Diso in der Zeitschrift International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) (2008) im Text Mobile Service Providers and M-learning in Nigeria

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