Wiki Based Teaching and Learning Scenarios at the University of Vienna
Harald Höller, Peter Reisinger
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2008, 2008
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The project eLearnPhysik of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna has
designed various technical and pedagogical solutions based on the software MediaWiki in order to
support blended learning scenarios in academic physics education. By adapting and extending the
software base with regard to didactic and organizational needs (central login for lecturers and
students, access management, support for LaTeX and the computer algebra system Axiom), the Wiki of
the Faculty of Physics has been established as a major e-learning tool. A lecture in the field of
theoretical physics that has been given in the winter term 2007/08 shall be presented as an example
for a teaching/learning-scenario - from a particular assignment of learning tasks to Wiki pages
designed by students. Through this kind of online publication, the students' motivation to
professionally deal with physical issues is enhanced.
Von Harald Höller, Peter Reisinger im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2008 (2008) im Text Wiki Based Teaching and Learning Scenarios at the University of Vienna Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Blended LearningBlended Learning , E-LearningE-Learning , MediaWiki , Motivationmotivation , Physikphysics , Wikiwiki , Wiki in educationWiki in education |
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