Exploratory Analysis of the Social Network of Researchers in Inductive Logic Programming
Nada Lavrač, Miha Grčar, Blaz Fortuna, Paola Velardi
Zu finden in: Computational Social Network Analysis, 2009
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In this chapter, we present selected techniques for social network analysis and text mining and interpret the results of exploratory analysis of the social network of researchers in inductive logic programming (ILP), based on the ILP scientific publications database collected within the ILPnet2 project. Part of the analysis was performed with the Pajek software for large (social) network analyses, where the central entity of the analysis was the author, related to other authors by coauthorship links, weighted by the number of his or her publications registered in the ILPnet2 database. The chapter presents also a novel methodology for topic ontology learning from text documents. The proposed methodology, named OntoTermExtraction (Term Extraction for Ontology learning), is based on OntoGen, a semiautomated tool for topic ontology construction, upgraded by using an advanced terminology extraction tool in an iterative, semiautomated ontology construction process. The approach was successfully used for generating the ontology of topics in Inductive Logic Programming, learned semiautomatically from papers indexed in the ILPnet2 publications database.
Von Nada Lavrač, Miha Grčar, Blaz Fortuna, Paola Velardi im Buch Computational Social Network Analysis (2009) im Text Exploratory Analysis of the Social Network of Researchers in Inductive Logic Programming Anderswo finden
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