Computational Social Network AnalysisTrends, Tools and Research Advances
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This unique text/reference compares and contrasts the ethological approach to social behavior in animals with web-based evidence of social interaction, perceptual learning, information granulation, the behavior of humans and affinities between web-based social networks. An international team of leading experts present the latest advances of various topics in intelligent-social-networks and illustrates how organizations can gain competitive advantages by applying the different emergent techniques in real-world scenarios. The work incorporates experience reports, survey articles, and intelligence techniques and theories with specific network technology problems.
Topics and Features: Provides an overview social network tools, and explores methods for discovering key players in social networks, designing self-organizing search systems, and clustering blog sites, surveys techniques for exploratory analysis and text mining of social networks, approaches to tracking online community interaction, and examines how the topological features of a system affects the flow of information, reviews the models of network evolution, covering scientific co-citation networks, nature-inspired frameworks, latent social networks in e-Learning systems, and compound communities, examines the relationship between the intent of web pages, their architecture and the communities who take part in their usage and creation, discusses team selection based on members’ social context, presents social network applications, including music recommendation and face recognition in photographs, explores the use of social networks in web services that focus on the discovery stage in the life cycle of these web services.
This useful and comprehensive volume will be indispensible to senior undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in Social Intelligence, as well as to researchers, developers, and postgraduates interested in intelligent-social-networks research and related areas.
- 1. An Overview of Methods for Virtual Social Networks Analysis (Alessia D´Andrea, Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni)
- 2. Discovering Sets of Key Players in Social Networks (Daniel Ortiz-Arroyo)
- 3. Toward Self-Organizing Search Systems (Stanislav Barton, Vlastislav Dohnal, Jan Sedmidubsky, Pavel Zezula)
- 4. DISSECT: Data-Intensive Socially Similar Evolving Community Tracker (Alvin Chin, Mark Chignell)
- 5. Clustering of Blog Sites Using Collective Wisdom (Nitin Agarwal, Magdiel Galan, Huan Liu, Shankar Subramanya)
- 6. Exploratory Analysis of the Social Network of Researchers in Inductive Logic Programming (Nada Lavrač, Miha Grčar, Blaz Fortuna, Paola Velardi)
- 7. Information Flow in Systems of Interacting Agents as a Function of Local and Global Topological Features (Andre S. Ribeiro)
- 8. Network Evolution - Theory and Mechanisms (Saeed Omidi, Ali Masoudi-Nejad)
- 9. Vmap-Layout, a Layout Algorithm for Drawing Scientograms (Arnaud Quirin, Oscar Cordón)
- 10. Nature-Inspired Dissemination of Information in P2P Networks (Christophe Guéret)
- 11. Analysis and Visualization of Relations in eLearning (Pavla Drázdilová, Gamila Obadi, Kateřina Slaninová, Jan Martinovič, Václav Snásel)
- 12. Interdisciplinary Matchmaking - Choosing Collaborators by Skill, Acquaintance and Trust (Albert Hupa, Krzysztof Rzadca, Adam Wierzbicki, Anwitaman Datta)
- 13. Web Communities Defined by Web Page Content (Milos Kudělka, Václav Snásel, Zdeněk Horák, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham)
- 14. Extended Generalized Blockmodeling for Compound Communities and External Actors (Radoslaw Brendel, Henryk Krawczyk)
- 15. Analyzing Collaborations Through Content-Based Social Networks (Alessandro Cucchiarelli, Fulvio D´Antonio, Paola Velardi)
- 16. IA-Regional-Radio - Social Network for Radio Recommendation (Grzegorz Dziczkowski, Lamine Bougueroua, Katarzyna Wegrzyn-Wolska)
- 17. On the Use of Social Networks in Web Services - Application to the Discovery Stage (Zakaria Maamar, Leandro Krug Wives, Khouloud Boukadi)
- 18. Friends with Faces - How Social Networks Can Enhance Face Recognition and Vice Versa (Nikolaos Mavridis, Wajahat Kazmi, Panos Toulis)
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