Information Flow in Systems of Interacting Agents as a Function of Local and Global Topological Features
Andre S. Ribeiro
Zu finden in: Computational Social Network Analysis, 2009
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Information flow between elements of a system determines the system´s functioning. This flow depends on the topology of the system. This chapter presents the latest results on how a system´s structure, namely, its topological features, at global and local levels, affect the flow of information among its elements. It shows how the topology determines the amount and diversity of information flow, and the ability to cope with noise and uncertainty in the information transmitted. <div class=AbstractPara> <div class=>We use Boolean Networks as models of dynamical systems of interacting elements whose structure is characterized at a global level by size and average connectivity and at a local level by a generalized clustering coefficient. The dynamics is characterized by the pairwise mutual information of the time series of the elements states, which quantifies the amount of information flow, and by theLempel-Ziv complexity, which characterizes the complexity, i.e., diversity of the messages flowing in the system. With these measures, we relate structure and dynamics.
Von Andre S. Ribeiro im Buch Computational Social Network Analysis (2009) im Text Information Flow in Systems of Interacting Agents as a Function of Local and Global Topological Features Anderswo finden
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