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A bliki model to support political discourse formation

Rui Pedro Lourenço
Zu finden in: WikiSym 2008, 2008
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This paper presents a bliki model which combines the potential of a blog and a wiki in order to support the creation of a constellation of political discourses in the public sphere and promote critical reflection among them. The model is inspired on traditional local public participation events that usually take the form of a face-to-face meeting where participants discuss some issue or problem and, in the end, produce a document summarizing the highlights of the event.
The model embraces the collaborative paradigm fostered by the Internet and tries to support the creation of a set of documents (using a wiki), each one representing a particular discourse, whose content is generated from the discussion held in a blog. It is based on the identification of relevant ideas expressed in the blog, which are then sorted according to the point of view (discourse) they support, and are incorporated into the wiki document representing that discourse by those participants supporting it.
Von Rui Pedro Lourenço im Konferenz-Band WikiSym 2008 im Text A bliki model to support political discourse formation (2008)

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Politikpolitics , Wikiwiki

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