Open ScienceMany Good Resolutions, Very Few Incentives, Yet
Sascha Friesike, Thomas Schildhauer
Zu finden in: Incentives and Performance (Seite 277 bis 289), 2015
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In recent years, a movement has emerged, which assembles itself under the umbrella term 'Open Scienceâ€. Its intent is to make academic research more transparent, collaborative, accessible, and efficient. In the present article, we examine the origins, various forms, and understandings of this movement. Furthermore, we put the aims of individual groups associated with Open Science and the academic realities of their concepts into context. We discuss that much of what is known as Open Science can be viewed through the prism of a social dilemma. From this perspective, we explain why the concept of Open Science finds a lot of support in theory, yet struggles in practice. We conclude the article with suggestions on how to foster more Open Science in practice and how to overcome the obstacles it is currently facing.
Von Sascha Friesike, Thomas Schildhauer im Buch Incentives and Performance (2015) im Text Open Science Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
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