Is Participatory Pedagogy Useful and Satisfying for Tertiary Students?Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley Gardner, paul Wattesr
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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There has been a seismic shift in recent years away from monolithic lectures to more active and participatory learning in recent years. While wikis and online, asynchronous learning has received significant attention, increasing in-class participation to improve outcomes has also been a focus for many teachers in post-school environments. In this study, we endeavoured to understand whether a more participatory learning approach might be perceived as more useful and satisfying for tertiary students in New Zealand. The results indicate that students are willing, enjoying, and motivated to engage in new approaches to learning and teaching in the classroom.
Von Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley Gardner, paul Wattesr im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Is Participatory Pedagogy Useful and Satisfying for Tertiary Students? Volltext dieses Dokuments
Is Participatory Pedagogy Useful and Satisfying for Tertiary Students?: Volltext als PDF (: , 326 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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