Assessing Pre-Service Teachers' Professional Identify Formation: Visually Representing the Teacher Self through DrawingsSara McNeil, Susie Gronseth, Haoyue Zhang
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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An objective of teacher preparation programs is progressive development and refinement of students’ professional identities within the teaching profession. The purpose of this study was to make visible the mental models that pre-service teachers possess about their teacher identity and beliefs about teaching. The study draws from identity theory and the Generative Theory of Drawing Construction. Data consisted of single-page drawings created by pre-service teachers enrolled in a teacher education program at an American university at the beginning of the program and then approximately eighteen months later at program completion. Twenty-five matched pairs (N=50) of the pre- and post-program drawings were analyzed by a team of three researchers using the Draw Yourself as a Future Teacher Rubric. The comparison of the pairs of drawings showed little change in the degree of teacher-centeredness, but other changes were noted that suggest a shift in focus to student thinking.
Von Sara McNeil, Susie Gronseth, Haoyue Zhang im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Assessing Pre-Service Teachers' Professional Identify Formation: Visually Representing the Teacher Self through Drawings Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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