Three Types of Practical Examples of Programming Education at Elementary Schools in JapanYuki Kobayashi, Susumu Kanemune, Shizuka Shirai, Hidenari Usui, Takumi Shimizu
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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In Japan, the course of study is to be revised in 2020. In the next guideline, programming education will be introduced to elementary schools. There are already municipalities that already set up pilot schools (e.g. Arakawa Ward Tokyo, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture). We considered that the educational practice of programming education at elementary schools in Japan can be categorized into three types:
1) Teaching programming itself using computers in class
2) Utilizing the merits of the program to achieve the goals of subject studies in class
3) Utilizing a logical intellectual ability to achieve the goals of subject studies in class
In this paper, we describe three types of programming education at elementary schools in Japan.
Von Yuki Kobayashi, Susumu Kanemune, Shizuka Shirai, Hidenari Usui, Takumi Shimizu im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Three Types of Practical Examples of Programming Education at Elementary Schools in Japan 1) Teaching programming itself using computers in class
2) Utilizing the merits of the program to achieve the goals of subject studies in class
3) Utilizing a logical intellectual ability to achieve the goals of subject studies in class
In this paper, we describe three types of programming education at elementary schools in Japan.
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