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Retooling 3D documentation technology for education: A review of photogrammetry technique used as a guideline for digitizing objects in K-12 education

Melis Baloğlu Aşut
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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This paper intends to present a review of the evaluation of 3D documentation technologies and techniques grounding photogrammetry technique, focusing on the needs and requirements of educators who teach their students to become a maker in K-12 education. This evaluation is focused on photogrammetry applications that represent technology available for measuring and documenting solid and live objects. Awareness of the difficulties encountered in employing the wrong scanning techniques and the effects of material color on the scanning process allows the most efficient use of resources to be planned. For this reason, this study proposes a visual guideline that helps novice educators in terms of digital 3D documentation technique to show which hardware and software for photogrammetry used for which object properties such as size, color, and surface texture in which environmental parameters such as light source and distance between hardware and scanned object could be used.
Von Melis Baloğlu Aşut im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Retooling 3D documentation technology for education: A review of photogrammetry technique used as a guideline for digitizing objects in K-12 education

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