Making a Case for Digital Inquiry: Using Wearable Video Technology to Engage in Perspective Taking and InquiryCassidy Hall, Ricky Mullins, Melinda Davis, Jaap Vos
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Technology integration and inquiry-based learning are not novel concepts. Nevertheless, the possibilities with integrating Pivothead Wearable Imaging technology lends a unique opportunity for impacting inquiry-based learning. In consideration of the first-person perspective video recording capabilities, we examine this technology as a possible avenue of perspective taking and inquiry. As such, we first explore the affordances as well as limitations of this technology in relation to its use in this context. Next, we consider pedagogical implications and challenges of applying the technology to inquiry-based learning and offer examples of how to make the pedagogical leap of using this technology in a variety of content areas and classrooms. We also examine the limited research related to technology integration and inquiry-based learning. This paper is an attempt to contribute to this limited research and spark ideas that may generate other trajectories of investigation and scholarly discourse.
Von Cassidy Hall, Ricky Mullins, Melinda Davis, Jaap Vos im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Making a Case for Digital Inquiry: Using Wearable Video Technology to Engage in Perspective Taking and Inquiry Volltext dieses Dokuments
Making a Case for Digital Inquiry: Using Wearable Video Technology to Engage in Perspective Taking and Inquiry: Volltext als PDF (: , 124 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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