An Efficient Supportive Approach to Improve Online Course QualityXuemei Li
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Many institutions have implemented an auto workflow between the Student Information System and the Learning Management System to generate courses and users. In Norfolk State University, this auto process is called Blackboard SIS Framework. But occasionally there is a need of missing personnel and class data in SIS Framework or additional user and class data being added to the Blackboard system. In NSU, services are conducted via Blackboard Change Request Form to enhance online teaching and learning. The services provided In NSU eliminate the gap between the Student Information System: Colleague System and Blackboard, efficiently facilitate the course delivery and development, and improve the online course quality. In this presentation we will focus on utilizing our Blackboard Change Request process to create course shells and users, and enroll users in online certification programs, e.g. Faculty Certification Program for Teaching Distance Education Courses, and the positive result of this approach. The naming convention and the experience gained will be presented at the end.
Von Xuemei Li im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text An Efficient Supportive Approach to Improve Online Course Quality Volltext dieses Dokuments
An Efficient Supportive Approach to Improve Online Course Quality: Volltext als PDF (: , 103 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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